Answer: It is best to bury it.
Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Merciful.
The scholars generally concur that it is recommended to bury everything that is separated from a living human’s body, such as a limb, hair, nails, and the like. [Shafii: Nawawi, al-Majmu` Sharh al-Muhadhdhab, 5.213; Hanbali: Buhuti, Kashshaf al-Qina 2.96; Hanafi: Turi, Takmilat al-Bahr al-Ra’iq 8.232].
This is because every part of the human being has been honored by Allah Most High: “Verily we have honoured the Children of Adam.” [Qur’an, 17.70]
This was from the habitual practice of many of the Companions of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and the early Muslims, as mentioned in works such as Ibn Abi Shayba’s Musannaf.
Some Hanafi works would seem to indicate that it is necessary (wajib) to bury the hair and nails, but other texts make it clear that what is meant is a linguistic usage of wajib, namely “highly recommended” because they follow it up by saying, “And if one throws it away there is no wrong in it (la ba’sa bihi), though if one throws it in the toilet or washroom it is disliked.” [Muhammad ibn Husayn al-Turi, Takmilat al-Bahr al-Ra’iq, 8.232, quoting al-Nawazil]
Answer: To cut the beard before one fist is not permissible. Obviously, this white hair will be from the one fist, hence it will not be correct.
The rule for the hair of the head is that all the hair should be even. To cut off some and leave some is not permissible.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best
Answer: It is permissible to apply cream or hair relaxer on the beard.
Answer: The minimum required length of the beard is one fist length on all three sides, your fist length.
Answer: Vanilla is a flavour derived from the vanilla plant, or more precisely vanilla planifolia. The vanilla plant comes from the family of orchids. The natural vanilla flavour, usually called Pure Natural Vanilla in non-alcoholic and is usually made with a glycerin or a propylene glycol base.[1]
Vanilla extract is a solution containing the flavour compound vanillin as the primary ingredient. Pure vanilla extract is made by macerating and percolating vanilla beans in a solution of ethyl alcohol and water. Although 35% is the standard alcohol requirement, premium vanilla extracts often contain a higher percentage of alcohol in order to extract more vanilla flavor from the beans.[2]
Vanillin is a flavorant made from synthetic or artificial vanilla.[3]
Vanilla extract, which contains alcohol, is used as an additive in foodstuffs. It will be halaal to consume such foodstuffs that contain the extract on condition the alcohol in producing the vanilla extract is not made from grapes or dates.[4]
Answer: The son will inherit a stipulated share from his father. [1]
Regardless of the relationship between two people, if one of them is a non-Muslim and the other is a Muslim, then one will not inherit from the other. Therefore, the Christian wife will not inherit from her Muslim husband.[2]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Answer: It is impermissible to give or receive interest. It clearly comes in a Hadith:
قال الإمام مسلم حدثنا محمد بن الصباح وزهير بن حرب وعثمان بن أبي شيبة قالوا حدثنا هشيم أخبرنا أبو الزبير عن جابر قاللعن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم آكل الربا وموكله وكاتبه وشاهديه وقال هم سواء (أخرحه مسلم في صحيحه 2/27)
“The Prophet (sallallahu Alayhi wasallam) has cursed those who are involved in usury; whether it is by receiving it, giving it, recording it in writing, or witnessing to it.” (Sahih Muslim, 2/27)
However, if one already has interest funds, he should dispose of it by giving it back to the person he received it from. If that is not possible, he should give it in charity, without the hope of reward.
It will not be permissible to pay traffic fines with interest money since they are not oppressive. Traffic laws are put into place for one’s own safety and it is only by breaking those laws that one is subjected to a monetary fine and penalty. At the time of applying for and obtaining a driver’s licence, in principle, one indirectly pledges to obey the traffic laws. When a contravention of a traffic Law takes place and one is charged a fine, one has the option of either admitting guilt by paying the fine, or facing prosecution with a jail term. The essence of the traffic fine is then a form of ransom money for deliverance from an impending jail term. Thus, by paying the fine, one is deriving the benefit of being saved from going to jail. Furthermore, According to Imam Abu Yusuf (may Allah have mercy on him) and most of the contemporary jurists to impose “Ta’zeer bil Maal” (monetary fine) is permissible,(Islamic Finance, Mufti Taqi Usmani, Page 134-135)
In light of the above, interest money cannot be used to pay traffic fines as one would be indirectly benefitting from Haraam funds. Certain heavy taxes imposed unjustly by governments would however, fall under the ambit of oppression.
وقال في النهاية قال بعض م
Answer: It is compulsory to return the haraam money to the actual owner if he is known and can be traced. If not, the haraam money should be given out in charity without the niyyat of thawaab.
Answer: No, a person’s fast does not break if he unintentionally consumes food. (1)
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best